NSW SES Volunteers Association Store

Wording For Bequests

Following are several suggestions of wording for making a gift in your will. The symbol * indicates where you would enter either a dollar amount or a percentage of the total estate.

1           A percentage of the total estate

Choose this wording to leave your entire estate or a percentage of your estate.

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH .*........ per cent of my estate to the NSW SES Volunteers Association (ABN: 21 688 925 780) for its general purposes AND I DECLARE that the receipt of an executive officer of the NSW SES Volunteers Association at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executor/s and trustee/s.

2           Residue

The residue of your estate is what remains after you have taken care of family, friends and any debts outstanding.

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal, to the NSW SES Volunteers Association (ABN: 21 688 925 780) for its general purposes AND I DECLARE that the receipt of an executive officer of the NSW SES Volunteers Association at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executor/s and trustee/s.

3           A percentage of the residue

You may also choose to leave a percentage of the residue.

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH .*... per cent of the residue of my estate to the NSW SES Volunteers Association (ABN: 21 688 925 780) for its general purposes AND I DECLARE that the receipt of an executive officer of the NSW SES Volunteers Association at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executor/s and trustee/s.

4           A specified sum.

To specify a particular sum, use this wording.

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH to the NSW SES Volunteers Association (ABN: 21 688 925 780) the sum of $.*..... for the purposes of, and use by the NSW SES Volunteers Association AND I DECLARE that the receipt of an executive officer of the NSW SES Volunteers Association at the time shall constitute a sufficient discharge to my executor/s and trustee/s.

Value of legal advice

When preparing a will, it is advisable to seek qualified legal advice to ensure you achieve all you wish for your family and others through your will. Your solicitor can advise you on tax matters such as trusts, guardians, asset valuation and power of attorney.


It is important that you consider your own family first. Even if you plan to leave a large amount of your estate to the NSW SES Volunteers Association, it is important to include your family in your will. In this way, you can prevent later personal and legal struggles should anyone contest your Will.